Selling a Main-Street Business, by our definition…a Company with less than $1,000,000 in annual owner benefit, is one of the most misunderstood and poorly managed processes in small business today. This is unfortunate too, because a lot of high-energy, risk-taking entrepreneurs have spent years bare-knuckle brawling with lenders, suppliers, employees, competitors and governments to provide for families, create wealth and provide jobs and service to their communities and one might think exiting for other opportunities or the golden years would be rewarding.
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Have you ever uncovered an opportunity you’d love jump into but found yourself too busy to make it happen?
It takes time, focus and talent to prepare, package, market and process a successful business sale…if you hope to achieve favorable results. You may be tempted to hire away the problem, and if done right, leveraging OPT (Other People’s Talent) can be a real win. But, as you’ve probably heard, it can turn into a real bummer when the buyers don’t roll in, your business is “on the market” for an extended period or offer prices are low.
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Some owners focus on growing their profits, while others are obsessed with sales goals. Have you ever considered making it your primary goal to set up your business so that it can thrive and grow without you?
A business not dependent on its owner is the ultimate asset to own. It allows you complete control over your time so that you can choose the projects you get involved in and the vacations you take. When it comes to getting out, a business independent of its owner is worth a lot more than an owner-dependent company
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Buying a business can be a rewarding experience that can have a very positive influence on your life. However, as you begin your search you should take some time to familiarize yourself with the process.
At Evolution, we value Buyers and want you to find the right fit. So we’ve put together this information to guide you.
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If you’re thinking about selling a business, you’ve made a smart move—downloading this report so you can learn more about the process!
Evolution specializes in helping business owners sell their businesses and buyers find the right business to purchase, so we know what it takes to bring about a successful transaction for both sides. In fact, all of the advisors at Evolution have been where you are right now; we have all bought, owned, managed, and sold our own businesses. And we’ve all faced that overwhelmed feeling when we wonder, “What do I do next?”
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Are you trying to make decisions around hiring or firing people? Are you concerned about the cashflow implications? This Labor Capacity Model, will give you insights to how your capacity to produce revenue (Your people) in any month stacks up against the anticipated sales in the month. Giving you the ability to see into the future if you are under or over hired.