Normally our website content is to support the activity of “buying and selling of businesses.”
However, these are not normal times.
Our goal with this resource page is to cut through the clutter and try and provide the most current and informative articles, tools, and ideas to help you with decisions to be made as you navigate through this crisis.

Over the years we have built up a trusted network of professional advisors and resources to provide the best information we can for you… So please let us know if there are additional topics you would like to know more about.
Labor Capacity Model- Is your business under/over hired?
Labor Capacity Model- The ability to see into the future if your business is under or over hired Are you trying to make decisions around hiring or firing people as you move forward through...
PPP Loan Forgiveness Update as of 5.18.20
The SBA just released the PPP Loan forgiveness application. This video covers a few highlights and updates on what is now included in the forgiveness along with information including the EIDL...
CARES ACT- EIDL & PPP Update as of 4.24.20
This PowerPoint video shares an update on the Economic Injury Disaster Loan and the Paycheck Protection Program via the CARES ACT as of 4.24.20. Topics include a review of the first round of PPP...
Cash Flow / Runway Calculation Tool
“Cash is King,” and with these current conditions, we as business owners may have anxiety over: The ability to keep employees What decisions to make to keep a viable runway, or A...
8 Ways Business Owners Can Take Advantage of the Federal Stimulus Package
This recent article from Entrepreneur magazine is probably the most thorough article we have found covering "all" the options available with the Stimulus Package. The author, Mark Kohler, is an...
CARES ACT- EIDL & PPP Loan Summary as of 4.3.20
This PowerPoint video shares a few highlights on the Economic Injury Disaster Loan and the Paycheck Protection Program via the CARES ACT. Topics include loan particulars, the loan process, and...
2020 Pandemic- As a Business Owner, What Should I Be Doing Now?
A few thought starters on key items a small business owner should focus on navigating the 2020 Pandemic. Topics include cash flow/cost control, revenue, taking out a loan, how business...
The Global Pandemic & LinkdedIn Marketing
Probably two words you wouldn't expect to be in the same blog title-- Pandemic and Linkedin. A good friend of mine, Medo Eldin, put together this video and I really like the underlying message...
SBA Paycheck Protection Program & Debt Relief
As of 3.31.20, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has been rolled out. One additional benefit, SBA Debt Relief, might be currently being overlooked by some but is a very large benefit for...
Business Insurance Coverage Questions RE: Covid-19
The link below update focuses on insurance coverage relevant to an employer. Insurance may play a key role in insulating businesses from labor-related losses, as well as other COVID-19 induced...
Covid-19 Business Assessment Tool
Below is a tool that some Private Equity portfolio companies are using to assess the risk areas in their businesses and develop an action plan to address them. One of the things that many crisis...
Small Business Guide and Checklist for Covid-19 SBA Emergency Loans
The link below will provide an overview from the US Chamber Of Commerce to help guide small business owners through the SBA emergency loan process. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and...
SBA Standard Information Brief On EIDL Program
The U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) low-interest Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) are now available to small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small aquaculture...
Covid-19 Employer FAQ’s
The COVID-19 crisis has impacted the world in so many profound ways, one of which includes how businesses manage their relationships with their employees. The following FAQ addresses...
Covid-19 Small Business Resource Update As of March 23rd, 2020
Federal Changes- below is an update on items affecting/supporting small businesses as of 3.23.20. Naturally, items are changing rapidly, and we will continue to provide future updates. SBA...
Webinars on Demand/Video Library
Comming Soon